A case of mistaken identity

Every person I have ever coached has come to me with the same issue – a case of mistaken identity.  It looks something like…

  • “I’m a procrastinator.” – Nope, that’s a thought.
  • “I’m not focused.” – Nope, that’s a thought.
  • “I’m not good at follow through.” – Nope. That’s a thought.
  • “I’m insecure and worry too much.” – Nope that’s a thought.
  • “I’m not confident, worthy, organized.” – Nope, nope, nope, all thoughts.

As human beings we have innocently been conditioned to identify ourselves with our thoughts. Our brains love certainty and one way to have certainty is to slap a label on something because then you know what it is and what to expect so you don’t have to expend any additional energy on it.

Except, who we are is NOT our thoughts. Our thoughts come and go. Thoughts are ever-changing, transient energy passing through our brains. How can thoughts be who we are?

Are you aware of your thoughts? How can you both be your thoughts and be aware of your thoughts? Who is the you that is aware? If you are not your thoughts, then who are you?

Each of us was born into this world as pure potential – the empty space of awareness. As we moved through life, we innocently attached ourselves to labels and concepts and drew conclusions about who we are, who others are and how life is. We didn’t know any better. We put ourselves in these little boxes and forgot that we were the ones who did that.

“All we are is peace, love, and freedom, and the power to create the illusion that we are not.” - Jack Pransky

Imagine what would be possible if you saw through the illusion of your labels and discovered your true self again. What if you stopped believing the thoughts and stories you’ve made up about others and life? What if instead you were present to the limitless possibilities before you?

There are consequences to forgetting you are the infinite potential of the universe in human form. Life looks hard and stress, overwhelm, dissatisfaction, worry, and pressure all look real.

Every single person who has come to me for coaching over the last 25 years have all wanted the same thing… freedom. Each person may have called it something else – more money, less overwhelmed, confidence, a promotion, a new job, starting a business, increased productivity – but the “why” behind the goal always boiled down to wanting freedom.

When you realize that who you really are – your essential nature is pure potential – you become naturally free. You see that you don’t need anything outside of yourself to achieve freedom because it is who you already are. When you know your true identity, you don’t need to fix yourself or achieve a goal to be ok. You are free to just be.

It’s like you are a sports car with five gears but think you only have two. When you discover the other three, watch out!

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