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  • Do you ever feel like an imposter?

Do you ever feel like an imposter?

If so, you are not alone. Lots and lots of people have what’s known as The Imposter Syndrome; a fear that you are not as good as other people think you are.

There was a time when I was terrified that the rug would get pulled out from under me and I would be exposed as a fraud.  I had such low self esteem I couldn’t even accept a compliment without saying something derogatory about myself.  Despite my outward success my internal conversation (my story) was that I wasn’t good enough and no matter how many achievements I had, it was never enough.

Thankfully, with some help I discovered that my beliefs weren’t real and I could choose a different story. Every day I work with clients who are dealing with the same fears and together we are able to deconstruct the Imposter Syndrome and invent a new reality free from fear and anxiety.

Recently I was interviewed by Sharon Frame, Founder of LeadHERship and Lead From Love, about the Imposter Syndrome. We discussed some tips and strategies for dealing with it effectively. Here is the video of our conversation.

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