Sometimes when people hear me say that there's no future, they think I'm being pessimistic. In actuality, I'm simply stating the truth so people can experience the freedom it brings.
There is no future. Check in your own experience. Have you ever been in the future? Have you ever met anyone from the future? I'm betting you answered “no” to both of those questions.
Why, then, does it occur like there is a future? It's a powerful social construct. We have lots of language to talk about it and it seems real. However, that's the only place there is a future - in language.
Our relationship to the future has a big impact on performance. When we make up stories about the future, (and in truth everything we say about the future is a story), they don't necessarily look like stories that we made-up; they look true. These stories seem reasonable because they are always based on our interpretation our past experience. Our brains have no access to the future because it doesn’t exist.
When we believe the story that we project onto the future it influences our behavior in the present. What we do and don't do is completely aligned with the future we created. This isn’t about positive or negative projections. It’s about how we limit what’s possible due to an innocent misunderstanding.
It's a survival strategy we inherited. In my experience, it's about the desire or need to feel in control. Let's face it, life is mostly unpredictable and that can feel scary and overwhelming unless you know the truth about how life works.
Every one of us has an innate, infinite intelligence within us.
Here’s the truth … every one of us has an innate, infinite intelligence within us. It's a real time responsive intelligence that is 100% reliable to provide guidance in the moment. The problem is most of us don't know this so instead of trusting our inner wisdom we trust our intellect which is 100% past-based and knows nothing about the future.
Peak performance comes from knowing this inner genius “has your back” and nothing is going to happen that you can't figure out and thrive through. If you want proof, notice you have thrived through everything you've faced so far in life. You have a 100% track record.
See if you can let go of your notions about the future. Meet your worries and concerns with a gentle “Let's see what happens.” Notice the difference it makes on your experience of life and on your performance when you are open to what comes versus being braced for impact.
This will allow you to discover for yourself that what you are bracing against is made of thought.