Work Sucks! If you have ever heard this or thought this, I am sorry.
No one should ever feel that way. Work is such a big part of our lives having a negative experience day-in, day-out is a terrible way to live.
What’s worse is people often feel helpless to change it and trapped because they can’t just quit. Even if they could quit, no matter where they go to work, what’s likely is that it will suck after awhile.
Additionally, this negative experience of work has a detrimental effect on performance and productivity, which significantly impacts the bottom line.
What’s the answer? Help people to handle conflicts, problems, stress and frustration by enhancing their ability to communicate. The source of upset in virtually every situation is a misunderstanding, misinterpretation or difference of opinion. Every one of these can be resolved through communication.
The problem is that people are not very good at communicating for resolution and workability. They communicate to prove themselves right or to make the others wrong. It’s not their fault. It’s they way we were inadvertently trained to communicate.
Book a session with me and I will show you exactly how to transform your organization and make your life easier. To schedule a session or find out more information about my programs and services click here.